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Pingle Old Town (平乐古镇)

Pingle Old Town is located 93 kilometers southwest to the city of Chengdu and 18 kilometers southwest of Qionglai City. It is a famous historical and cultural town in China. The Baimo River, which originated from Yuxiao Peak of Tiantai Mountain, flows through the ancient town from west to north. The old banyan tree, Baimo River,sandstone paved streets, and bamboo sea in the ancient town of Pingleare the highlights of Pingle ancient town.The ancient town of Pingle was recorded as a market town in the Western Han Dynasty as early as 150 BC, and has a history of more than 2,000 years.
Location Map
Recommended Time to Spend: 2-3 hours
Business Hour: All Day
What to Expect


1.    Ancient Streets

The ancient town has buildings from Ming and Qing dynasty about 200 year to 500 years old. In Chinese, we call Pingle "Qin and Han geritage, watertown of western Chengdu". There are total 33 old streets in the ancient town. The ancient town of Pingle retains the ancient dwellings of the Ming and Qing styles. Most of the houses on both sides of the ancient streets are wooden structures with first floors used as shops and second floors as storage or bedrooms. Pingle is also known as "the first town of the Tea Horse Road". Pingle used to be a bustling water and land wharf, but now it is a local tourist-oriented area.

2.    Lugou Bamboo Forest

Lugou Bamboo Forest is a place of bamboo forest. It is located 1 km northwest of Pingle Ancient Town, covering an area of ​​8.6 square kilometers of bamboo.

3.    Huajiu Mountain

4 km west of the ancient town you will see the Huajiu Mountain, a place believed to be the foggotten world: Shiwai Taoyuan, an ideal place to live for Chinese people. Though now it has to be under management due to tourism developement.  There is a Li Family Courtyard, which was bestowed with the imperial plaque of "The Emperor's Favored Family" by Guangxu, still maintains its original appearance a century ago. The traditional western Chengdu houses scattered in the depths of the bamboo forest constitute the rich rural culture here. The people work in the fields and live a quiet and peaceful farming life.

Pingle Old Town Location

131 Xinxing Street, Qionglai, Chengdu
Address in Chinese is 成都邛崃市平乐古镇

Ticket Information

Free of Charge.

Luggage Storage Service: Unavailable

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1407, Kaile International Building 3, No. 14 Jiuxing Ave, Gaoxin District, Chengdu, China 610000

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