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Chengdu Fast Train Stations

There are 4 railway stations in Chengdu among them there are 3 main ones: Chengdu East Railway Station is the biggest and busiest one, Chengdu South Railway Station is smaller and Chengdu North Railway Station is still under construction up until 2020.
Chengdu East Railway Station 成都东站

IChengdu East Railway Station is located at Qingyijiang Road, Chenghua District, Chendgu. It is located between the city and its suburb. Chengdu East Railway Station is one of the major railway stations in Chengdu and at present the biggest railway station in Chengdu. Most of the fast trains coming in and out of Chengdu are from here. From Chengdu East Railway Station one can travel by train to Leshan, Emeishan, Chongqing, Guiyang, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Guangyuan, Dazhou, and later to Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong.

Chengdu North Railway Station 成都火车北站

Chengdu North Railway Station is located at No. 1 Dongzhan Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu. Chengdu North Railway Station is one of the major railway stations in Chengdu. It is the oldest railway station in Chengdu and also the official “Chengdu Railway Station”. Whenever you see “Chengdu Railway Station”, that indicates Chengdu North Railway Station. Chengdu North Railway Station is currently (2019) under construction but still has trains running. From Chengdu North Railway Station one can travel by train to Dujiangyan, Qingchengshan, and later on to more places.

Chengdu South Railway Station成都火车南站

Chengdu South Railway Station is a much smaller railway station compared to the above ones. It has scheduled fast trains to main the south and east destinations to Chengdu. Chengdu South Railway station is located Tianren Second North Street, Wuhou District, Chengdu.

Useful Tips
To collect train tickets, foreigners are recommended to be at the station a minimum of 40 minutes because you will need to use the counter to collect your tickets. At the counter there are usually long queues you have to wait. Traveling on weekends and Chinese holidays you are recommended to arrive the train station even earlier maybe 1 hour before departure.

You will sit by the number on your train ticket.
Check in time is 10 minutes to 20 minutes prior to departure time. Please note the train does not wait.

Chengdu Train Ticket Booking

You can book train tickets on site when you arrive but normally it is safer to secure a train ticket beforehand. There are some websites where you can book the train tickets but you need to know how to fill the forms clearly and correctly. 
Chengdu Tour Guides provide online train ticket booking service to save your trouble. Please feel free to contact us.

1407, Kaile International Building 3, No. 14 Jiuxing Ave, Gaoxin District, Chengdu, China 610000

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