Ya’an Bifengxia Panda Base
Bifengxia Panda Base is also called “China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda Bifengxia Base (CCRCGP Bifengxia Base)”. It was opened to public in 2003 and the second panda base after the former ruined Wolong Panda Base. It is by size the biggest panda base in China. Pandas here are wilder and the zoo itself is leafier. There are about 30-50 pandas living at Bifengxia Panda Base. A less-visited panda base near Chengdu but with the authentic touch of panda hometown.
Location Map
Recommended Time to Spend: 2 hours
Business Hour: 08:30-16:00
Highlights of Bifengxia Panda Base
1. About 30 Pandas in the big base
There are in total about 30 to 50 pandas usually at Bifengxia Panda Base live in four different complex of enclosures: Baixiong Ping, Panda Breeding Center, Panda Kindergarten, Panda Hospital (not available to public) and Panda Science Center (not available to public). All panda enclosures are within walking distance within 10 minutes. It is easy to navigate within the park. The park is located in Bifengxia Tourist Attraction, a place with green hills and trees and humid weather, perfect for pandas. It is also very nice to walk inside the park with much less tourists compare to the one in Chengdu.
2. Panda Volunteer Project
Panda Volunteer Project is available at Bifengxia Panda Base every day. Panda Volunteer Project provides opportunities for travelers to have special experience with pandas. This project allows volunteers to feed the pandas, to clean the panda house and to prepare food for pandas. Panda Volunteer Work is not an actual volunteer work. Volunteer needs to pay a CNY700 to do the work. Booking needs to be done before hand and a health certificate is to be submitted before doing the volunteer work. It has volunteer project every day starting from 9:00 and ending by 14:30. The Volunteer Work is not hard work but rather interesting and enjoyable. It also involves watching panda documentary and making panda bread. It is meaningful and a lot of fun activity. Chengdu Tour Guide is an agent doing bookings for Panda Volunteer Workers.
3. To Hug a Panda (Donation Project) – May not be available
It is real that you can cuddle a panda in Chengdu. And another place to do it is at Bifengxia Panda Base. The panda-hugging project is a donation project. Panda huggers need to pay a CNY2200 per person to hug a panda. It is available every day although bookings need to be done before hand. It is the same as the volunteer project that you need to prepare a health certificate. Panda Hugging time is at around 10:30 every morning. You are recommended to arrive at the panda base earlier than the hugging time to do the paper work, etc. Chengdu Tour Guide is an agent doing bookings of Panda Hug Project for travelers.
4. The Neighboring Bifengxia (Green Hill Gorge) Tourist Attraction and Bifengxia Wildlife Zoo
Iyou have extra time. Recommended to do the Green Hill Gorge as it is a beautiful place. The gorge is next to the panda base and your admission fee includes the visit to the gorge. The walking can start by the exit of panda base and the walk takes about either 40 minutes or 2 hours.
How to Get to Bifengxia Panda Base
Bifengxia Panda Base is located at Bifengxia, Bifeng Zhen, Xiali Xiang, Yucheng Qu, Ya’an, 160km southwest to Chengdu downtown. Address in Chinese language: 四川省雅安市雨城区下里乡碧峰镇碧峰峡旅游区,中国保护大熊猫研究中心雅安碧峰峡基地。There are places to eat by the entrance of the panda base/Bifengxia, and also with basic accommodations you can find.
1. Public Transport
There are buses available at Xinnanmen Bus Station to Bifengxia every day. Two in the morning at 7:30 and 9:30 and two in the afternoon. It costs CNY44 and 2 hours. It will take you to Ya’an Tourist Bus Station, from where you need to use a local shared taxi (CNY10) to get to Bifengxia. And to come back the same way.
2. Taxi
Normally taxis in Chengdu don’t go that far to Bifengxia from Chengdu. It is not a good idea to try taxi from Chengdu.
3. Hire a Car/Driver
To hire a car/driver is the most convenient and fast way to get to Bifengxia. Chengdu Tour Guide provides private transfers to Bifengxia from Chengdu. Our guides/drivers go to these places often and know these places.
Ticket Information
CNY118 per Person
CNY60 for people who are: (proof required)
Age between 60 and 70;
Students at age of 18 or under (student card required);
Child with height between 1.2m and 1.5m.
CNY30 for people who are: (proof required)
Age 70 and over;
Child with height lower than 1.2m;
For Panda Volunteer Work, need extra fee.
For Panda Hugging Project, need extra fee.
Luggage Storage Service: Available
Tours to Bifengxia Panda Base
Transfer within the base
Luggage Store service.